Congratulations! This makes me so happy. I stumbled across this a bit late. How’s life now? 😊

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What a beautiful post! I truly believe that being a part of a community is so much better than just reaching a numbers goal. Feeling connected to like-minded people is what draws me back to writing on Substack too.

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A beautiful reminder Sophie. I started my own Substack 4 months ago and it's bringing me a similar feeling of the early blogging days and community energy which I loved a decade ago. I sometimes can get lost in numbers or comparison...so this brings me back to focus on what I desire which is mode depth with connections and community - and a space to express my creativity. Congrats on your one year anniversary!

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What a lovely update to hear about, Sophie! The connection is definitely what always brings me back here :)

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This was beautiful to read Sophie.

I've learned that It's important to not worry about what people or critics says about your work, you should only hope for them to consume it. It's not your job grade or reject your work, your job is to create and share it to the world. Keep going, keep growing.

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Sounds like an amazing year, I’m glad to be here now.

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Echoing what mostly folks have said here about connection. I started my Substack to process being a first time dad by writing letters to my son. But the connections I’ve made here made the journey a little less lonely. In fact, it wasn’t until I met another Substack writer I started to call myself a writer. Grateful for the platform and the people on it. Relationships over relevance!

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Thank you for your honest refelctions — I completely agree that there are more important things to celebrate in life than quantifiable stats! Congratulations.

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I don’t know--700 subscribers doesn’t seem like anything to sneeze at! Congratulations on being debt free AND on finding community. I have really appreciated the community of Substack already after just joining last week! It’s like a WAY better Twitter 😂and no I’m not correcting myself and calling Twitter X.

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I couldn't agree more! I'm just shy of 200 subscribers after almost a year on Substack. In a way, I'm glad my growth hasn't been exponential. It's given me time to figure out my pace, my offerings, and how to build a foundation of connection I can sustain.

I believe connection is a currency and in that way I feel so abundant after meeting so many lovely humans here. From co-hosting a moon circle to having cross-continental conversations about the creative process, to guest posts and podcasts, I'm a more robust writer because of the opportunities I've had here.

My official one year milestone is in one week and I can't wait to share more about my journey here! 💗

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I’m trying to make connections here and finding it difficult.

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This is very much true for me too I have found connection if not numbers, and growth is still growth albeit slower than others substackers. I think we have to be a little realistic if we start from not having any following at all (my case).

I wrote a post recently about cheerleaders in our lives and honestly so much love for supportive women and champions of us and our writing/other endeavours. 💛💛

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Adore this! Depth of connection all the way... and celebrating all the magic you have created in this 12 months! ✨

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Thank you, Lauren! I feel like I've created so much, but also grown and found myself here too! It's been a magical 12 months, that's for sure 🥰

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Ahh I love this Sophie! Congratulations for finding something so much more fulfiling than a number! I'm only two weeks into my Substack writer journey, and I too have set myself goals for various timestamps over the next 12 months. However, reading your post just now has reminded me that community, connection and friendships are the ultimate goal. Wishing you lots of success in your second year!

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Thank you, Megan! Connection is so much more fulfilling than numbers can be. Ah, welcome to Substack! It's a lovely place to be to say it's on the internet 😅. When I first started here I made so many numerical goals, and I've been pleasantly surprised about what it is that I've actually achieved in terms of connections and friendships. I honestly didn't think I'd get that from a platform so it's been a wonderful treat!

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Nov 8, 2023Liked by Sophie Ingleby

It is so heartening to read that you are not all about numbers. And that a feeling of connection and belonging matters more to you :)

If you keep on writing with all your heart you will get the numbers too.

I wish you all the best 👍

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It's been so refreshing to feel 'free' of the numbers, as that's not always been the case for me on other platforms. Thank you so much! 😊

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Sophie!!! This is wonderful, well done on your achievement.

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Thanks so much, Donna! 🥰

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