Happy belated birthday, Sophie! I’m so sorry you were unwell for your birthday and I’m so happy to hear you’re feeling better! 💗

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Thanks, Jenovia! 🥰

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I hear you with the school holidays being expensive, it's hard to balance having fun with the kids and not spending too much. Hope weaning goes well too, I have to say I relied on pouches with my youngest when I weaned him a year ago, as my he did not like my attempt at making similar purees!

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Yep! We’re trying to do mostly free/ low costs things, and then having a few treat days where we can spend a bit more. Also, how expensive has the cinema gotten?! 🤯

Thank you! I did a quick survey on the NHS website to see if baby is ready for weaning yet, and it turns out not. Things may change over the next month when he turns 6 months, but for now I’m pleased he’s still a newborn for a little while longer 🤣

I also think you’ve got to do what’s right for you. With 2 older children, a busy job and just life in general, it’s going to be hard for me to make him his food everyday from scratch. I’m welcoming the ready made pouches to save my sanity! 😅

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Same here, the library is my fave free place to go with the kids, esp on a rainy day. Cinema is so expensive! We've found a Pokemon club in Cardiff so trying that out on Saturday, my eldest two love Pokemon.

Oh yes, I'm with you there, cling on to the newborn days as long as you can. My youngest is 15 months but I still think he's like 3 months even though he's toddling around, I can't cope!!

100%, pouches are a saviour and the it's not long before they are eating the same as everyone else too anyway. My parenting style is basically anything for an easy life!!

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We love the library too, but we haven't been since baby arrived. I think I'm too scared of him making a noise and the staff being annoyed with me 😅.

Ha! Me too! Whatever will make life easier, I'm there for it!

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I don’t know how it’s already 8 days until August and I’m only just getting to read your words! But here I am! Mastitis sucks... I had it with my first and it actually brought an end to my Bf... I was only ten days in and it just tipped me over the edge! So so horrid for you and especially over your birthday! I really hope the birthday 2.0 makes up for it!!

We are about 6 weeks into weaning Vesper onto solids... it’s been very different this time as with Sophia we were in lockdown so I had nowhere to be and nothing else to do! This time with an older sister to contend with I have been way more haphazard with it! I’ve been keeping it super simple and she is now having two ‘meals’ a day... sometimes she eats nothing and other times a bit more! She won’t actually let me spoon feed her... so I am doing pre loaded spoons and whole veggies etc... she is getting the hang of it now but we are also having to contend with some potential intolerances which is adding to the stress!!!

I’ve cooked as much as I can but also been doing some pouches too... the sainsburys veggie ones for 4 months + I found really good to start with. We have followed Charlotte Stirling reed’s veggie lead approach as we did with Sophia too! It seems to be working... let me know if you want me to send you any suggestions!

Hope August has started gently for you! Xxx

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Oh no! That's such a shame that mastitis stopped your BF journey with your first 😔. It was awful so I can completely understand why you stopped.

Aw amazing! Yes, I'm worrying about how we're going to fit it in, but we'll adapt and obviously make it work. I'm thinking it'll be easier to feed him his breakfast when the older children are at school, that way I can concentrate on getting the older 2 ready and out of the way, and then give William my attention for his breakfast, at least until he's more confident with it.

I'm sorry to hear about potential intolerances!

Yes, I've heard so many good things about Charlotte Stirling-Reed! I'm going to follow her approach too. Does she have a book? I'm going to have to look into it more, but she does come very highly recommended.

Thank you, it has been gentler despite the children being off school. I hope August is treating you well, too! 🤍

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Yes she does have a book which I found super helpful as a refresher too!!! We have only just introduced a second meal at 7.5 months... otherwise we just slotted it in whenever it could!!!! Xx

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Fab! Thank you, I'll check it out x

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