This is sucha good point and an important one to put out there. ☺️

I’m struggling to rest too, I work for a company and my post-Covid has given me fatigue and migranes. I struggle to take the days off that I need and I feel so guilty when I do, not that anyone makes me, I just do…

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Thank you for this, Sophie. It was exactly what I've been needing to hear too. I took a midday bath today and felt totally guilty for leaving my husband with the baby, even though I know I have zero reason to feel guilt about that or a middle of the day bath. I feel the same-- I think it's this intense pressure I put on myself to work constantly, and definitely how I was raised too. Both my parents are workaholics and they would always say to me, "we don't do lazy." It's something I've been working through to get out of my head for awhile, but I still am wrestling with it.

I wish I had some tips on migraines, my mom had them when I was growing up and she'd be confined to her pitch black room for days on end. I hope yours is better now! Sending love!!

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I know all about that pressure. I certainly put it on myself too. Thank you, my headache seems to have improved. Fingers crossed it’s completely gone soon, they’re the worst 😩

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So glad your headache is getting better! I hope it's gone quickly!

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I felt guilty for resting when I was a new mother, I put a lot of pressure on myself. We are told that we can do it all, but no one can do anything when they are ill, and yet society perpetuates this myth. At this point in my motherhood journey, I don’t have mom guilt for when I need to rest and I am feeling unwell, but I sure do have it for a whole host of other things! 😂 Balance, am I right? 🤪

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Oh gosh, you are so right! There’s sooo many other things to feel guilty about isn’t there?! 🫣🤣

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Ahh this really resonates! I really enjoyed my walks with Luna when she was a newborn and often got back into bed with her afterwards. Slower starts and box sets 😆

I always used to feel frustrated resting and I hate being sick but now I’m better practised at leaning into it. It’s still not easy but I try to do restful things like have early nights, read, watch tv on the laptop. My friend and client Amber writes about migraine here let me find her link. She’s been busy on a book pitch so hasn’t posted in a little while but is usually really active. ✨ hope you are ok today!

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I need to lean into rest more for sure! I thought I did it well but having a newborn has disrupted my norm. I’m still adapting to my new life I suppose and I’ll get back to my slower self soon.

Oh fab! Thank you for the recommendation. I’m going to check out her newsletter now 😊

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I think the real key for me was restorative yoga. I used to go to a Friday night class and we would literally all fall asleep in the yoga nidra meditations and it would be because for the first time that week we’d down regulated enough to realise how tired we were 😆✨🪄 aww the gorgeous but intense new born days. Sending you sleepy dust for tonight! 🌚

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That sounds magical! I could definitely do with that.

I’m my own worse enemy though because I just lay awake just staring at him sleeping 🤦‍♀️🤣. Sleep will return but his tiny baby face will soon grow up

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Here it is - she’s done so so such research - https://open.substack.com/pub/warriorwithin?r=506nf&utm_medium=ios

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deletedApr 5, 2023Liked by Sophie Ingleby
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Why do we drag it out longer than we need to?! 🤦‍♀️😂.

Thank you for reading!

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