deletedJul 2, 2023Liked by Sophie Ingleby
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Yep, posting live at 4:10 whilst feeding baby William 🤣. Oh yes, I think it’ll help regulate us when it’s dark at bedtime again 🌙

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That was a lovely read Sophie.

I’m not a great fan of summer either. I don’t suffer in the same way as you but those scorching hot days leave me with zero energy and an inability to sleep at night. This week has been just right - some rain and lower temperatures- pure bliss 😊

Like you though - roll on Autumn.

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Thanks for reading Debbie! I know exactly what you mean. This week has been much better, but oh I can’t wait for autumn! 😌

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I was thrilled to go to bed the other night to the sound of gentle rain, it was absolutely heavenly. Growing up in a very wet Lancashire town I never thought I'd be grateful for rain. But living in 'technically desert' East Anglia now I really am

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Oh I love the sound of rain on the window at night, so cosy! 🥰

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Same same!

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This post made me smile just be reading it. There is such joy in the small everyday moments and as I'm contemplating the days when my 17 & 18 year old boys head off to Uni I find myself reminiscing about when they were younger. Luckily they still give me cuddles (although slightly more bone crushing ones) so I can still count those as one of my Good Things

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I know what you mean! Since baby William was born, my older 2 seem SO big and grown up now. I’ve been looking at baby pictures and videos of them and reminiscing on how fast it seems to have gone. I can’t even think about them going off to uni! 🥺

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I have a William too. But now he's as tall as me 😂

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🤣 it feels like it won’t be long before my William is as tall as me at this rate!

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Sophie Ingleby

Totally agree about summer! Heat, humidity and bugs, ugh!

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Yep! Not pleasant! 😅

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Lovely list of things you enjoyed this week!

I actually love summer, but I cannot stand the direct sun, or super hot & humid days, so I spend most of the time in the shade or indoors. That said, I love summer’s long dusks, when the temperature drops a bit and the fireflies and bats come out. And a nice gray, rainy summer day is pure bliss. 😊

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I always seek out the shade wherever I go too! I’m certainly not made for the direct sun 🥵

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I didn’t know about reverse SAD so thank you for sharing this. I’ve been turning the shower cold for one minute at the end and love how invigorating it is!

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Thanks for reading! 😊 It really is refreshing, isn’t it?! I never thought I’d be that person to have a cold shower, but I love it!

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I tend to get more migraines in the summertime, something to do with the heat and air pressure, I expect 😕

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Yeah, and humidity I expect too 😩

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Writing about it, talking about it makes me feel infinitely better. Not suffering in silence and letting my love know that my heart and bones are a little heavier than usual on the days that I need extra tenderness.

Reading a good book to sweep me away from the monotonous hum of summer helps as well.

Early morning hammock swings. A cozy movie. A beautifully laid out breakfast where I actually sit down and am present with the yummy food. Morning rituals like making matcha lattes and writing in my notebook. These things have all helped me greatly 💕💕💕

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Ah, those sound wonderful! Thank you for sharing 🥰 I’m so pleased they’ve helped you!

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I love those small little moments of joy. I feel you on summer, it's definitely my least favorite season. I find myself being a hermit a lot more than usual because I just don't want to go outside. I'm trying to embrace it a bit more this year, but it's still hard. I just dream of those autumn mornings and each day inching closer! Also yay for your little one dropping his 2am feed-- that's amazing!

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I’m a lot like this too, and find myself hiding away to avoid the heat. I just dread going out in it when it’s super hot. Yes! I think a lot of us will come to life in autumn, and I can’t wait! 🤩

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A beautiful share Sophie. ✨🍃 I felt more effects of SAD in the city than I do here. Some winters I do use our Lumiere lamp by my desk or pop it on while I boil the kettle but I don’t know what the summer equivalent would be? Maybe a nice cave to retreat into?

Ahh 4am the beauty in the silence. ✨🎁🌀

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That’s interesting, Claire! I wonder why the effects were more prominent in the city.

I saw an advert this week for a rain fall humidifier, and I suppose that could be the equivalent to your Lumiere lamp! I love the sound of rain, especially on the window at night, so having the sound of rain especially when it’s been dry for days/ weeks would be wonderful for me 😌

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Ah I hear you on the rain it’s glorious!

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Thank you for this lovely post Sophie. Your heart shines through and I found myself saying (in my head, to you, across the ocean...you know, that kind of a conversation) 'cut yourself some slack Sweetie. You have reverse SAD and three small children and a very full life and hormones and a home to maintain and your writing and courses.....it's a long list'. Go easy❤

I appreciate you talking about reverse SAD because I am not really familiar with it. I think I may inadvertently downplay it if a person says to me they hate summer because I like it. Getting a reality check that some folks actually struggle physically and mentally in the summer months is a good wake up call that will help me be more compassionate.

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I hear you, Donna! Thank you for your kind words 🤍.

It’s a funny old thing, reverse SAD. I certainly hadn’t heard of it myself so I can imagine the confusion it would bring to those who don’t suffer with it. Thank you for being so understanding 😊

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Oh my goodness!! This is ME. Summer makes me truly, truly miserable. It’s an absolute fight to get through it. I realised reverse SAD as being a *thing* years ago and it’s so affirming. Seeing everyone else so joyful and keen to do things and be outside and “enjoy the sun” makes me want to cry. So glad to have read this, thank you so much for sharing. So affirming 🤍. We’re over the worst now, the lightest and longest day has gone.. we’re on the way back!

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