deletedOct 23, 2023Liked by Sophie Ingleby
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YES, that's it! It was a tough decision but definitely the right one for me right now. I'm looking forward to what's next for me 🥰

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Lovely post Sophie. Congratulations on running a business for so long and knowing when to pivot. Best of luck for the future (and when things get less crazy on my side I’ll get back to you on our collab)

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Thank you so much, Stéphanie! I’m looking forward to it 😊

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I'm so sorry that you lost something you loved for so long. Yeah, there is such a thing as grieving over that...a piece of your life gone. But YAAY you for bouncing back and creating another worthwhile business for yourself! Your attitude will carry you a long way 😊

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Thank you. I’m so excited for the next part of my life, but also incredible grateful for everything my old business gave me. It’s a bittersweet feeling right now 😌

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@sophie LOVE this beautiful sweet simple piece! Do you make them? Where can I find them? 🥰😘🙏✨🌱🌷

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Ah, thank you Elizabeth! I don’t anymore (that feels so strange to say!) but it’s what I used to sell in my print business.

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Aww 🥰 I would really love to learn how to create these BEauties!!! :)

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I could create a how-to post or video demonstration, and you'd need design software, but it's quite simple. Would that be helpful?

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Proud of you, proud to know you, proud to work with you. You ran a profitable business for that many years - you’re a total rockstar! And everything can be changed and if you miss it just PIVOT and off we go again! Sending all the love xxx

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Thank you for being such a rock for me these last few months. I’m so pleased and thankful that we met. You’re so right, everything can be changed, and that makes me so excited for what’s to come!

I feel a little relieved too, is that normal? 🤣

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Ooh goodness yes, it most definitely is! I’m so thankful we met also x

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Congratulations on taking such a huge step, Sophie! I really appreciate you sharing the behind-the-scenes of such a transition :-) I have complete faith that your next ventures will be successful!

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Thank you, Katy! It’s such a massive milestone in my life right now that it seemed only right to share it. I’m so looking forward to what’s next 😊

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Thanks for sharing all of this with such honesty. Inspiring to see your journey and where it takes you next.

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Thanks, Dan! I’m really looking forward to the next chapter 😊

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I'm sorry you had to make the tough decision to shut the business down, but it sounds like you also are at a pivotal time in life and are ready to move to the next step. I'm excited to see all you create here on Substack, as I know it will be amazing!

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Thank you, Hunter! Yes, I'm definitely pivoting into a new chapter in my life. Ah, that's so kind of you to say! I'm super excited too 🥰

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Bittersweet I’m sure... but wishing you so much love through the transition. Xx

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Thanks so much, Lauren! 🥰

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This resonated so much with me. I was also at a crossroads with my business recently but decided to go a different route, put my prices up and outsource my printing. Wish I’d done it ages ago, it’s worked so far but still pocket money really. When I thought about giving up I definitely felt that grief and wondered who I was without my art. Wishing you all the luck with your new direction which sounds like it’s taking off. Pivot is my word of the year.

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Aw, I wish you luck in your new business route. I hope it works out for you. It's so tricky isn't it. I love designing prints, but I definitely had to think about how much return on investment I was getting, and ever since the pandemic it's been very little. I know exactly what you mean though, I'm lucky I have other avenues to go down now, and I still get to be very creative albeit for my clients mostly, and through writing for myself. Do you have anything else besides your art that scratches your creative itch?

Thank you, you too! And I love your word of the year. Mine is 'learning' which feels very apt right now.

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Sophie you are such an amazing creator and I can imagine this was hard for you, and can totally understand why you needed to take a pause here. Even the decisions that are right can sometimes be draining to our mind and soul (especially when we are the more introverted sensitive types!).

I cannot wait to see what else you create and share in this space! And hope to work with you again in a VA capacity because your work is truly beautiful 🤍

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Jennifer, thank you so much, that's incredibly kind of you to say. It's been a tough decision, but one that I'm confident was correct for me. It just took a little more headspace that I expected, but that could definitely be due to being a HSP.

I'm excited for what the future holds for me, and I would absolutely LOVE to work with you again 🥰

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I’ve also experienced the “post-Covid” slump in my own business, and it’s been a struggle. I’m glad you’ve ended this era in your life in a way that feels good for you.

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Aw, I'm sorry to hear this Esmé. Sending lots of love for you and your business. Thank you, I feel like this was a good time for me to close. I have mostly positive memories of the business and that's such a gift.

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Thank you for sharing your story! Sounds like you know what you are doing and will be a very successful VA!

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Aw, thank you for reading! I'm confident in my next steps, but it certainly took me a moment to come to terms with the end of that business. I love my VA work and that's what I'm focusing on now 😊

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As someone who closed their family business last year, I am familiar with the complexity you are feeling. I keep trying to write more but you’ve said a lot of what can be said. Sending you love.

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Aw, Chanel, it's tough isn't it. I KNOW it was the right decision, but it was still a difficult choice to make and execute. I hovered over the 'close shop' button for what seemed like weeks! Sending love too!

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Congratulations Sophie. Onwards and upwards x

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Thanks, Alice! Yep, I'm so excited! x

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Loved reading this thank you for sharing so openly about the journey you had with your business, Sophie.

It’s a bit like with human life, things shift and evolve and the only thing we can do is go with it instead of forcing things to stay as they are. What a brave step you took. Thinking of you in this transition!

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Aw, thank you for reading, Carmen! I'm so pleased you enjoyed the post. You're so right. I think if I'd have forced myself to keep the business going, I'd have ended up resenting it. Instead, I have so many happy memories of it, and I'm so grateful for everything it taught me. Now onto the next chapter 🥰

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Well all be cheering you on as you embark on your new journey ✨

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