What a beautiful piece. And oh how I relate! (As you know :))

It's interesting to hear how full of people your life was growing up. I wonder how this impacted little introvert you?

I don't think you sound boring AT ALL. And I get what you mean about time with certain people not being as draining. I have a few treasures like that.

So many people will relate to this, I can tell you

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Sophie Ingleby

Loved this! I am someone who NEEDS a lot of time on my own. It's how I recalibrate. It's how I hear the creative ideas buzzing around my head. I get so drained if I don't have my alone-time. So much so that I started travelling alone when I was 17 and haven't stopped since, it is still an absolute favourite thing to do.

Thanks for this lovely post :)

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Yes! I completely agree. I haven't yet travelled on my own, but even solo shopping trips I enjoy over taking a friend. I'm glad you enjoyed the post :)

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Fascinating! I used to dislike being alone and now as a mother and wife I appreciate it a lot. I always wanted a big family growing up...

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I think as a mother and wife you need to take all the alone time you can get, I value it so much

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Yes I agree - weaving it in and recognising even things like the drive back from the school run feel like a nice lone time luxury some days...

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Yes! I know exactly what you mean. It’s priceless

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