Free Resources

Welcome to the Free Library!

Here you’ll find all of my free resources, and you can dive in to any post whenever you’d like to. This is a public space, just like your local library, and you can come as often or as little as you’d like to read the posts.

My free resources are everything from my personal stories, being a creative business owner, navigating motherhood, as well as some business tips to help reduce overwhelm in your creative business. The latter offer small, simple, bite-sized content with actionable tips and insights. If there’s something missing from the library, just let me know and I’ll create the content/ resource for you! You can reach me via Substack DM, or email me at:

Library of free resources:

Personal Posts

Slow Living Posts

Health & Wellbeing Posts

Introvert Posts

Minimalism Posts

The Simple & Calm Interview Series

All business Tips

Substack Posts

Instagram Posts

Pinterest Posts

Monthly Goals & Intentions

All Free Content

Want more in-depth resources?

If you’d like to get more detailed posts, access to all courses and workshops, monthly ‘Ask Me Anything’ sessions, and a paid member only private chat space, consider upgrading to a paid subscription, and explore the paid sub vault:

“Working with Sophie is a creative business owners dream. She’s organised, creative, understands tech and social media and she’s brim full of ideas!
Highly recommend Sophie’s work, classes and courses.”
- Claire Venus