Welcome back! 💜

So glad to hear you are better Sophie! But I'm sorry your birthday celebrations were not what you were hoping for, I would definitely have a little belated celebration 🎉Happy birthday from me and welcome to the thirties club 🥳

I'm SO excited to read the interview series, to see what people have to say and to hopefully find some new reads. A bit thanks for providing the space for this 🥰

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Thank you, Lyndsay!

I definitely think a belated celebration is in order 🙈. My husband has a week off in August so that would be the perfect time to do something together as a family to celebrate 🥰

Oh it's so good! I've really enjoyed creating the posts and discovering so many new members of the slow living community. You're very welcome, I hope you enjoy it 😌

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Such beautiful offers Sophie! Did you see we put your guest post live on Company of Two - how syncronistic that we are posting guest posts over summer too! We have 6 left to post! ✨💕

So glad you’re feeling better! ✨✨🎁 you definitely need a birthday mark 2! A festival if you will! ❤️

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Ah I’ll head over now and check it out! 🤩

Yep, I think so too 🤣

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Oh, those round number birthdays are often so hyped only for life to happen and plans to go awry! Hoping that time freed up over the summer will mean there's plenty of time for belated and extended celebrations 🥳

I am really looking forward to the interview series too, though also planning some screen free time over the coming weeks as I'm finally getting my holidays! Kids have been off up here in Scotland since the end of June and it's been quite the juggle!

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That's what I'm hoping for, that we can really enjoy a belated birthday celebration over the summer 🥰

Ah have they? Do they go back sooner, or is it still September? Yep, it really is a juggle and we're only on day 1 😅. I'm trying to work out what's best to do - work in the mornings, afternoons spent with the children - but that already isn't going to plan thanks to the baby 🤣. Maybe it's best to just wing it each day and throw away the plan?

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Oh lordy, it's a slog! We are on week 5 (back mid-Aug) and I've found that working early in the morning lets me get some hours in before they start rumbling around needing things / taken places/ Mine are older (11 and 8) and so it's more me making them do stuff than them wanting me to be involved. If they had their way, they'd be in their rooms slobbing about all day!

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Welcome back and I hope you have recovered ok, it can really take it out of you and rest is the only thing you can do (which is easier said than done!)

Absolutely agree that you must mark your 30th fully, I’m sure the celebration will evolve into what it was always supposed to be.

And yes I am very much looking forward to your series, (and to finishing my interview Qs for you! I seem to be a bit behind on everything) the perfect slow summer reading x

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Thanks so much, Lyndsay! I am feeling much better now. Yeah, I've just spent days and days sleeping which is so unlike me. I feel like I've wasted so much time, but I really needed it.

I'm hoping to take some time together in August when my husband has the week off work to celebrate fully. It may even be better than on my actual birthday!

Oh please don't rush! I have plenty to work with for now so if it takes you a few months, then that's fine 🥰

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I am sure the sleeping has been time very well spent and will put you in a much position for the summer hols etc.

Have a great birthday week (!) in August!

Ok fab, thank you 🤍✨

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Definitely a need for a rerun of your birthday! Hope you can create a beautiful honouring for it when you feel well enough.

Congrats on all that you are birthing! X

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Thank you! 🥰 I'm so excited for what's to come 🤩 x

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So glad you are feeling better Sophie! Happy birthday! 🎉

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Oh I’m so glad I still have time to respond to your email! Sorry that you’ve been unwell, I’ve also been bed bound, must be that time of the year when our bodies scream stop!! Hope you feel much better soon xx

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Oh hope you get to do a nice redo of your birthday! Flu isn’t a welcomed guest at any time, but on a round birthday it’s just plain rude. 🤍

The series sound really interesting! 👀

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Thanks, Nadja! I had mastitis from breastfeeding 😩 which lead to a nasty infection and high fever. Definitely not what I wanted on my birthday 👎🏻

Ah, I'm so glad you're looking forward to the series! It's been wonderful reading all of the responses so far, and creating the posts. I can't wait to share them! 🥰

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Oh no, that sounds so painful! My friend had it a while ago, and she has out for 2 weeks. 🤍

Yes, I was thinking that, getting all the gems from people! Can’t wait to read them 🥰

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I'm glad to hear you are feeling better Sophie. It is not indulgent for you to have Birthday 2.0, we want to hear all about it!

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I am, thank you, Donna! Ha! That's great to know. I'll share about it when I have my birthday 2.0 🥰

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Jul 30, 2023·edited Aug 1, 2023Liked by Sophie Ingleby

Hi Sophie -- I read a couple of your posts today just as my post on finding meaning in a simple ritual came out. Sharing with you with the thought you might enjoy it. Warmly,


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