Just found this, brave post! I’m sure many can relate but feel some shame about it. I do have friends and I love them dearly, but not many and I have a deep seated belief that if I had no friends at all I would be fine. My husband is my constant and I also have a sister who I get on so well with. But I also really really like myself. I’m kind, funny, smart! Too much is made of this ideal of female friendship groups and BFFs and I’m not sure if it exists. Other people are often a little disappointing too being perfectly honest. Great post.

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Thanks Sarah! I’m pleased you enjoyed reading it 😊 my husband is my constant too. I completely agree with you about female friendships and BFFs. I’m sure there are people out there who have wonderful female relationships, but I don’t think it’s something we should all strive for. I honestly can’t tell you how happy I am in my own little world. I’m the opposite of lonely, and I do have really deep and meaningful conversations with people, albeit it tends to be online.

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Yes and I’ve had some really awful female friendships too. I have about 5-6 women who I know are really good for me, have my back and I really enjoy their company and probably about 10 more who I like spending time with now and again. But I’m equally thrilled with my own company tbh!

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Soooo relatable!!

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Thank you for reading 😊

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Mar 9, 2023Liked by Sophie Ingleby

How honest! I can totally relate. This was great.

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I’m so pleased you enjoyed reading it 😊

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A beautifully brave post, I really enjoyed it. I do have friends but I'm with who I spend my time with and the vast majority of the time my partner and our dog are more than enough :)

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I’m so pleased you enjoyed it. Oh yes, mustn’t forget our furry friends too! 🐶

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I can relate to this so much Sophie. I stay home with my children and I don’t really see anyone outside of my them and my husband (and my cat 🐈). I am also a super introvert and enjoy being home more than anything.

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I’m very much a home bird and I love it! I wouldn’t change it for the world 🥰

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